The Power of SEO | SEO Expert Gold Coast

The Power of SEO | by SEO Expert Gold Coast

S.E.O. or Search Engine Optimisation is about getting your information to the right people quickly and efficiently. This can only be done if your website is visible and easily discovered by search engines using the right keywords and phrases. Unfortunately, S.E.O is not understood by many people; even people who have been involved with internet marketing for a long time. SEO is not only the most important part of your internet business to get right, without it being done properly, you will find it difficult to find customers or web traffic and so your business will not grow.

The old saying knowledge is power is very true and it is becoming more so every day, with an estimated 4 billion plus people around the world now using the internet, that’s over half the world’s population for your potential customers.

The highest growth rate for new internet users is Africa, India and China, these countries are hungry for information and products. The worldwide number of people who regularly use e-commerce sites to buy consumer type goods such as clothes and fashion, electronics, homeware, appliances and toys is growing by 8 to 10 percent per year, that’s over 1.8 billion people buying online each year.

“GlobalWebIndex” has released new data showing that the average user spends about 6 hours a day on the internet. Every second, Google processes 40,000 search queries, that’s 3.5 billion a day or 1.2 trillion a year and growing, every day there are over a million new users going online. Making the internet the main source of information for over half the world’s population, whether at school, home, work or play.

Information has never before been so cheap and easy to access from anywhere at any time for everyone. With the huge amount of information on the internet, it is often difficult to quickly and efficiently find specific information and without S.E.O. it would be almost impossible.

S.E.O is all about making your site and information visible and at the top so google search engines will find your site as soon as someone places your keywords in their browser. It is vital to your success to ensure your site remains easy to find by internet search engines. Because the nature of the internet, always growing, adapting, developing and changing, many of the things what worked for you last year or even last month may no longer be effective and may even be detrimental.

The potential market for all types of goods and services is incredible, but the only way to access and take advantage of this huge potential market is by making sure your website is user friendly and Search Engine Optimisation.